Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 1

Today was my first day in Africa. Just saying that sounds crazy! I was so excited I woke up at 5am (Nairobi time) and took pictures of my first African sunrise. Currently I am staying in a surprisingly nice hostel in Nairobi called Afralti, complete with my own room and bath with hot water (which is broken), a TV (also broken), and WIFI (currently working). Its amazing being here I walk around everywhere with a huge smile, as does everyone else. We have breakfast at 7 and class begins at 8 and ends at 5. Its not as bad as is sounds we have two twenty minute "tea breaks" and an hour for lunch. After class we played ultimate Frisbee for an hour. I hope this becomes a regular thing, I miss playing sports. The weather here is colder than you would imagine high around 80* and 55* at night. Its technically "winter" here but at 1* south latitude there really are no seasons. I had a face to face interview with the guy in charge of where I spend my two years and pled my case to be sent to the coast, lets keep our fingers crossed. Tomorrow night we get to go out in Nairobi with some current volunteers, I'm super stoked about that. That's it for now I will try to post again before I head to Loitokitok (the peace corps training facility on the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro)
Kwaherini! (Goodbye)